Where are the binary files located in pod started by daemon set?

The Kindnet lightweight daemon binary file is located in:


The CNI plugin binary file is located in:


Where is configuration file used by CNI in pod tarted by daemon set?


How to check Kindnet logs ?

In order to retrieve and follow the logs of the kindnet DaemonSet in the kube-system namespace, use command:

kubectl -n kube-system logs ds/kindnet -f

If there is a need to debug specific pod running on selected node, check at first pod name:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l app=kindnet -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,NODE:.spec.nodeName

then verify logs:

kubectl -n kube-system logs kindnet-z5tst -f

In order to change log verbosity, edit install-kindnet.yaml used for kindnet configuration or use imperative approach to change option -v:

kubectl -n kube-system edit ds/kindnet

More information about log flags can be found in Configuration Options.

How to access SQLite3 database?

Prerequisite: Install sqlite3, jq and kubectl for your OS.

  1. Prepare the bash script to copy files from the SQLite3 database to your local machine:


# Create destination directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p $DEST_DIR

# Get the names of worker nodes
WORKER_NODES=$(kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"] | not) | .metadata.name')

# Loop through each worker node and get the Kindnet pods running on them
  echo "Getting pods on worker node: $NODE"
  PODS=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE -l $LABEL_SELECTOR --field-selector spec.nodeName=$NODE -o custom-columns=:metadata.name)
  # Loop through each pod and copy the files
  for POD in $PODS; do
    echo "Copying files from pod: $POD, container: $CONTAINER_NAME"
    kubectl cp $NAMESPACE/$POD:var/lib/cni-kindnet/cni.db $DEST_DIR/$POD-cni.db -c $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null
    kubectl cp $NAMESPACE/$POD:var/lib/cni-kindnet/cni.db-wal $DEST_DIR/$POD-cni.db-wal -c $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null
    kubectl cp $NAMESPACE/$POD:var/lib/cni-kindnet/cni.db-shm $DEST_DIR/$POD-cni.db-shm -c $CONTAINER_NAME 2>/dev/null

echo "Files copied to $DEST_DIR"
  1. Copy files by executing sqlite_copy_files.sh e.g.:
Getting pods on worker node: home-lab-worker
Copying files from pod: kindnet-sgtxm, container: kindnet-cni
Getting pods on worker node: home-lab-worker2
Copying files from pod: kindnet-j7s8r, container: kindnet-cni
Files copied to ./db
  1. Access SQLite3 database:
sqlite3 db/kindnet-j7s8r-cni.db

SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 13:08:14
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
ipam_ranges      pods             portmap_entries

sqlite> select * from pods limit 1;
159d3e9f868f1fdb36c4ace370888f4a900ebdabb5bf623b298f28a2f243b440|local-path-provisioner-57c5987fd4-gq4jb|local-path-storage|91e3e22d-5cdb-4851-b3c8-5211dba96b5d|/var/run/netns/cni-37f62d39-c60c-6257-d150-d4cc6c790403|||||knetc098226f|65535|2025-02-04 16:37:33

sqlite> select * from ipam_ranges;